Bank of America – The Ultimate Partner
There are so many ways to partner with Central California Food Bank. Perhaps it’s on the financial side, gifting us with monetary donations to sustain our food programs. Or maybe it’s the gift of time – volunteering in our warehouse or at a distribution to get food into the hands of our hungry neighbors. It could also look like sponsoring a fundraising event, participating on our board or a committee, or creating local and national initiatives that align with our mission and vision.
What if we told you we have a partner that encompasses each and every facet of partnership with our organization? It’s true! Bank of America has been this incredible partner to us, and we want to give them a shout out for this comprehensive and long-lasting commitment.
Time: For years, the local Bank of America team has visited our distribution center to sort and prepare food for our distributions. Their staff take pride in giving the gift of time to our organization and truly understand the labor needed to feed our community. This year, when we put out a call for support, the team stepped up to help at a monthly distribution located at the Fountain West apartments. Without their help, the distribution was at risk of being discontinued due to a lack of volunteerism. We commend the Bank of America team for swooping in and helping us make the distribution a continued success, serving hundreds of families each month.
Sponsorships and Grants: Bank of America has been a cherished financial partner as well. They have been an Entrusting Benefactor of our annual Gala since 2017, have passionately participated in the Give a Meal match opportunity in partnership with Feeding America, and have given over $450,000 locally since 2011.
Personal Relationships: The Central California Food Bank Board has been lucky to have Bank of America Senior Vice President Mark Riley on their board since . Mark has served as president, vice president, and has participated on the Executive, Human Resources, and Strategic Planning committees. His commitment to our mission is clear and we are extremely thankful for the personal relationships Mark Riley and Marisa Moore, Market Manager,ย have forged with our Central California Food Bank staff. We know Bank of America cares about us on a national, local, and personal level.
Mission Alignment: Bank of America is committed to advance pathways to economic mobility in order to build thriving communities. One way of pursuing this initiative is through ensuring that peoples’ basic needs are met (including food insecurity) by partnering with local nonprofits that address these issues. This is where our missions align so perfectly – we both strive to connect individuals to pathways of self sustainability. It’s so amazing knowing that hunger relief is at the top of their funding priorities. We see this through their canned and non-perishable food donation drives, continued volunteerism, and grant opportunities.
Thank you, Bank of America, for being such a holistic partner to our organization and for your commitment to bettering the lives of our community members.